Project Description


Creative Direction and Content Creation Taps Into a Youthful Audience


HARMAN launched a new live event series on JBL Professional where they partner with pro-DJs worldwide. The concept? To teach aspiring artists and musicians how to amp up their creative process in a series of live classes. With the holidays approaching and facing a tight deadline, HARMAN’s internal marketing team turned to Amplify for creative direction, logo design, landing page design, social media graphics and campaign execution, and copywriting for the launch.


We worked closely with HARMAN—from ideation to execution—to launch and sustain the Master Class series. We began by consulting with them about the series name. Once the name had been approved by JBL Professional, we provided art direction for three different logo options. Each version showed a unique variation while still staying on-brand.

After final approval of the official logo, Amplify developed two landing page mock-ups, featuring two distinct design directions across the homepage and artist feature page. HARMAN selected their favorite, and we applied that design language throughout the campaign.

In order to show the message to audience members attending the event in-person and spread awareness across social media, we developed digital assets for each. Posters were created for displays during the live event and an additional event cover was created for social media promotion.

Amplify developed copy to be placed on the home page, artist page, thank you/sign-up emails, and social media posts. We also provide ongoing social media management for the event series. By spreading the message across multiple digital and social media platforms, the awareness of this new series continued to gain traction.


The JBL Master Class launch was a complete success! Within the first week—the event launch garnered over 41k organic impressions and 5.3k organic views.

As this exciting event series continues, we see engagement daily and maintain our strategic social media plan to garner new audience members.


JBL Professional by HARMAN


Campaign Name Ideation, Logo Design, Landing Page Design, Webpage Content, Graphic Design, Social Media, Copywriting