Learn how different types of targeted content can keep your brand top of mind with customers in any stage of your marketing funnel—from awareness to advocacy.

Whether you sell a product or provide a service, high-quality content is essential for engaging with your customers.

Since the COVID-19 crisis began, people are consuming more content than ever. Some are seeking educational content, while others simply want to be entertained. That’s why it’s crucial to create a wealth of high-quality content for every stage of the marketing funnel.

Depending on where a potential customer is in your funnel, they may be looking for different types of content. It’s not all about blogs and YouTube videos, either—you might be surprised at some of the overlooked types of content people are looking for.

In this blog, we’ll break down which pieces of content are best for staying top of mind with customers in every stage of your marketing funnel.


For potential customers at the top of your funnel, it’s best to create educational content. This provides you with an opportunity to raise awareness with new customers and establish your brand as a thought leader or subject-matter expert. It also allows you to attract customers searching for solution-related topics, before they even search for specific products.

Customers at this stage are looking for information, so long-form content like multi-part blog posts, downloadable e-books and comprehensive guides are great tools for attracting new customers. Not only does long-form content perform well in terms of SEO, it gives your brand an opportunity to demonstrate your industry knowledge and provide value to customers.

Educational content can even be about your own brand. A monthly newsletter is a great way to stay top of mind with customers and show off what you’ve been doing—you can even use it to round up all of the content you created that month!

But blogs aren’t the only way people learn. According to a recent study, 59% of executives say they would rather watch a video than read text. Another study suggests that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in text.

How-to and tutorial videos are great for connecting with customers and raising brand awareness. While it’s important to provide customers with plenty of on-demand content, one of the most powerful tools for moving people into the middle of your funnel is live webinars.

By getting your customer to commit to a time-sensitive live event, you can move them one step closer to conversion. Just be sure that your webinars are engaging and informative to help build trust with the customer.


Customers who are already familiar with your brand are typically looking for solutions to their problems. Unlike customers in the awareness stage who may be Googling, “How to record a podcast,” customers in the consideration stage are looking for products or services that help them overcome specific problems.

Demonstrate how your brand can help solve these problems for the customer using past examples of your work. Post case studies highlighting success stories with influential customers or clients. This can be a great way to showcase how your products or services can directly solve customer’s problems.

How-to content is another useful tool for staying top of mind with customers considering your brand. Unlike how-to content for those in the awareness stage of your funnel, how-to content targeted towards those in the consideration stage should specifically showcase your products or services and demonstrate how they can help customers overcome their pain points.

For those who prefer video content, demo videos can be a great way to teach people more about your products or services and demonstrate how your brand can help solve specific use-case challenges.

One of the most important—and often overlooked—pieces of content for customers in the consideration stage are your product descriptions. When was the last time you refreshed your messaging? Do your current product descriptions reflect your current brand voice? Does your homepage make it clear what your brand is all about?

For brands with more technical products, simple one-sheets, data sheets or white sheets are a great way to provide customers with all the information they need in one place for quick and easy reference.


Arguably, your most important content will target customers in the conversion stage. These customers have done their research. They know what they want—they just need a little nudge to affirm their beliefs and convert them into buyers.

One of the most effective tools for increasing conversion rates on your web page are testimonials. When a customer reads a testimonial from someone they admire, it validates your claims through a third party and ties your product to a group of people that the customer wants to be a part of.

Best of all, they’re super easy to create. Simply reach out to any influencers or power users in your funnel and ask them for a quick quote on the product.

Another approach to is send products or offer services to those who have not yet purchased from your brand for a review. Earning a favorable review from a well-respected YouTuber or blogger can provide social validation and help your brand reach new markets.

One often-overlooked aspect of conversion is the actual sales process. Any landing pages, email blasts or automated responses should be streamlined to make it as easy as possible for the customer to make a purchase.


Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of marketing. By creating content for customers who have already purchased your product or service, you have the opportunity to convert them to brand advocates.

These customers will sing your praises with evangelical devotion, enabling you to market your brand in your sleep—you can’t beat that, right?

Post-purchase content should focus on helping customers via support channels such as forums, email and social media, as well as making the onboarding process as smooth as possible. One of the easiest places to start is with a robust FAQ section. Identify common issues your customers have and create content specifically tailored to helping them solve common problems.

Email outreach programs can be a great way to stay top of mind after customers have already made a purchase. Sending out insider tips and tricks, special offers or even exclusive content can build trust with customers.

Just remember, the goal when creating content for customers in the advocacy stage is to provide value to existing customers. Delight and surprise them with useful, relevant content and they will repay you by spreading the word about your brand.

During these unprecedented times, great content helps us heal. It helps us discover new things about ourselves and become better people. And when we share it with one another, it helps us stay connected. Do your part to support those stuck at home by creating amazing content for the world to enjoy.

Need help creating high-quality content that keeps your brand top of mind with customers? Amplify can help! Get in touch with us today to book a free consultation.